
In bike racing, there is nothing more romantic than a small breakaway of underdogs staving off the chasing peloton for those rarest of victories... the kind that reaffirm our love of the sport. That small group is called Le Bon Wagon. Don't you just love it when a small group works together to make good things happen? 

About Le Bon Wagon

In bike racing, there is nothing more romantic than a small breakaway of underdogs staving off the chasing peloton for those rarest of victories... the kind that reaffirm our love of the sport. We also love it when a small brand does good things. 

The breakaway is not only the brave group who make the first few hours of every race more than a relaxing ride through the countryside, they make it worthy of watching. As fans, we instinctively root for these underdogs to cross the finish line before the big, bad peloton swallows them up. It’s a feat that very rarely comes off and when it does it is called, Le Bon Wagon, “The Good Wagon.” 

Whether successful or not, breakaways are what keep cyclists— racers and fans alike—on the edge of their seats (and saddles) for the majority of a race. While inevitable—and more often than not fruitless—they also give us all an underdog to root for.

We want the break to be Le Bon Wagon... to win! 

For us, Le Bon Wagon is a celebration of the most romantic - the good - elements of cycling, where the mythology of David vs Goliath manifests in a small band coming together against all odds to pull off the impossible. Just as cycling fans revel in the Hail Mary of the breakaway, we embrace the inherent challenges of making a romantic idea stick in a cluttered landscape. No sport demands and celebrates suffering like ours, yet the pursuit of cycling was formed with a spirit of emancipation, freedom, invention, revolution, and now, good! 

It’s through this same spirit Le Bon Wagon was born... to celebrate the impossible becoming possible. We think it’s an idea worth jumping on. Come along, get on the wagon, we promise to deliver excitement; something to both root for and be a part of. What could be more romantic than delivering goodness to the world? Le Bon Wagon. Get on.

About Us

Like most stories worth telling, ours begins with a group of friends, humble beginnings and a desire to do good through the prism of our collective love for cycling, design and community. There are five of us - South African, Moroccan, Mexican, American and wannabe Belgian - a triathlete, a mountain biker, a road racer and two ‘cross racers. Each of us has a different orientation to cycling but a shared desire to do more; to do good.

What started with doing custom cycling apparel for a few notable teams very quickly turned into a purpose driven brand dedicated to ensuring the good perpetually drops the bad. 

Now we are looking to creatively disrupt the cycling industry and build a wagon, or rather, a force for good. We’ve seen firsthand what a new kit can do for someone’s psyche and it inspired us to consider what an entire collection can do for groups of people looking to do and look good. Delivering the good with the goods. 

We want to be a catalyst for change, where the change is that the brands we compete with, and the organizations we partner with and the customers we serve, all will be inspired to do more good. We see good as a virtuous cycle, where the more good you do, the more good we do. Plus, our commitment to quality - not just good product, but great product - is as strong as our commitment to the good causes we will support. Now, there are just four of us on this mission, wanna be the fifth? Get on.

Our Values






Breaking away

Never sell, only offer


By nature, we love designing… we are designers. Not production artists, not CEOs with myopic opinions, not followers who lack vision.

We are on the vanguard of this current cycling revolution and Design, besides riding, is our passion.


And because we are designers, we love creating aesthetic beauty. We love seeing aesthetic beauty. We love experiencing aesthetic beauty within the peloton. And we really love how aesthetic beauty reminds us how full of delight this world can be, especially when others embrace this value…

Therefore, LBW will never offer designs that mimic wallpaper, shower curtains, rugs or gaudy, tawdry or brassy concoctions of ill-taste and poor design regard. We will proffer handsome, considered, elegant, beautiful, strong design options created through our design largess and produced with our foremost factory where experts who have been creating world class products for years are excitedly partnering with us to bring ‘the good’ to the world.


We believe in clean lines, clean design and clean living. We also believe we should aspire to be Organized and free from unwanted and unneeded stuff in a way that we can offer the clearest brand and ideas.


One of the things that inspired us to create our unique brand is the lack of feeling and understanding that other brands in our space show. It seems in their attempt to appeal to everyone (to sell more, more, more) they tend to appeal to fewer and fewer. Listening and understanding what people think and feel is what will allow us to better serve the needs of those who want more out of life. Empathy governs how we connect and listen to our people and is a prime mover in how we create newness. We will be the first to admit we are wrong and the first to raise our hand and ask how we can make it better.


We are members of this wonderful community. We bring people together. We create experiences. We listen to our customers. We treat our employees and vendors like heroes. We will constantly strive to serve everyone better than anyone. We also realize we cant be for everyone, nor do we want to. But, we do know that when those in our community get on the good wagon, the peloton will be a more just, diverse and spirited place; and look a whole lot more sexy.

Breaking away

It’s in our DNA to want to get out, escape, and break away from the normal. We have a happy disrespect for the usual and a love for the unusual. Breaking away is the spirit through which we came to life. It is what we will nurture continually. Some use the word ‘attack,’ but for us it isn’t an aggressive thing, it’s more a sheer display of commitment and drive, The likes of which keeps the big, bad peloton in the rear view mirror. We look forward even when drawing upon the greatest design work of the past.

Never sell, only offer

We wont email you twice a day telling you to buy stuff you don’t want. This isn’t some transactional play for us. It is a small team doing what we love; inviting you to come along… to GET ON.

Le Bon Wagon is the good wagon… while the LBW brand is a celebration and collaboration between a few brave individuals, its existence is for the greater good; to inspire, give hope and toast the romance of breaking out and leaving for a brighter day.